Tuesday, March 10, 2009

.. yelp us! ...

One of the things I love about the internet is Real Time Experience and Real Talk. Wheter you're "googling" a wedding vendor or venue, there's always a place where you can find the real thing -- it's Yelp.com ..or I like to call it... i've Yelped it! Some of my good friends are "Elite Members" of their tight community. Especially Yours Chair Covers currently has 5 Star Ratings. Brides and Vendors ..
Please Yelp us more and Yelp us often :)

Click here for our Yelp Page. I found this Yelp Cake online. Very cool! Very Yelp-ish :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Extensive version of "About Me"

Thank you for all the positive comments and feedback. Love you all! My second post will be an extensive version of the "About Me" :)

Born in the year of the Sheep and enjoying the last and Fabulous of my twenties, I am a loyal friend, a loving daughter (my parents hate me - Just Kidding!), a supportive sister (my brother might disagree) and a part time comic (very true!) I am a true Leo. I am also a work-a-holic.

My work CONSUMES me, my family is my life, my non profit work is my calling. I heard on the radio today, what makes you successful - and I have to agree with Ryan Seacrest show. His guest said "you have to give up everything in order to be successful. Make your job -- your full time job. I love my Job and I love my company. I wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world. I always tell people that I am the busiest person I know.

In high school, I interned at American Express Corporate Travel Services. After high school, AMEX created a position for me in their Los Altos office, where I worked part time and started my freshmen year at San Jose State University.

During my time in San Jose, I was taking 20 units and working part time. Partied: Yes, Studied: Yes. Scholarships: YES, YES, YES! I entered a scholarship pageant for scholarship funds and was fortunate to be crowned the title of Miss San Jose 2000. Then I competed at the state level, Miss California Pageant, a preliminary pageant to the Miss America Pageant. Because of my pageant experience, I had the opportunity to be an ambassador of goodwill to many local charities as well as participate in fundraisers for local charities such as AIDS Walk and Making Strides against Breast Cancer. Since 2000, I've continued to give back to my "pageant life" by emceeing quite a few local pageants and events, such as Miss Asian America Pageant and the International Kaiser Permanente Dragon Boat Festival.

Fast forward 9 years since SJSU, I graduated from San Francisco State University with a degree in Speech Communications and a minor in Accounting in 2002. After graduation, I started my career in Medical Sales. I've met the most amazing doctors, worked in patient care and acute care, and lastly worked at Genentech in South San Francisco, CA as a marketing consultant.

Especially Yours Chair Covers started while I was working in Medical Sales. It was a part time curiousity. I had no idea and vision I would quit my comfy Medical Sales career to "be my own boss". In 2006, I took the leap of faith and quit my full time career to pursue my company -- Full Time. It's the best decision I've ever made.

Relationships are key. Friendships are lasting. Networking and Giving Back are a Must. I have a close knit circle of my girlfriends who are my big sisters. I on the Board of Directors for a non-profit in San Francisco's Chinatown, Cameron House. Professionally, I am the newest member on the Board of Directors for NACE.

With all of this going on, I still have a "personal life". I love to travel, perfect my golf game, enjoy my "Sundays", cheering for my Favorite Sports team -GO GIANTS! and watch my cousins grow up. One of my other new years resolution is to spend more time with my 89 year old Grandma Yip.
For tonight, my closing line to you is: Practice Your Smile today :)
Ricky Wong Photography
AT & T Park
Treasure Island

Sunday, March 1, 2009

First of many to come..

Hello Blog World!

Greetings to Web 2.0! to all my blog friends and future blog readers -- hello from Beverly! Since I enjoy reading blogs and talking about blogs, it really is "about time" I create one of my own. First and foremost, I am not the most IT savvy person on earth; so if things look a little off --off centered, please don't mind! 2008 was an amazing year. I met new friends of the industry as well as partnered with up fellow colleagues to create lasting wedding memories. I've truly learned networking and relationships are"key".

Besides Wedding and Chairs Covers, I'm not a very interesting gal (but two things in my life are a must: CNN and Sports), I am going to make a goal to blog weekly. This way, I'll have something interesting to write about -- even if it's not wedding related :) This blog will feature venues, vendors and of course, posting pictures from our wedding and events.

My good friend & Floral Designer Nancy Liu Chin of NLCD once told me that "your website is your storefront". Since Especially Yours operates out of a warehouse w/o a storefront, I am going to make this blog the official online storefront :) I want to dedicate my first post to my industy friends who has blogs, and blogged about me and Especially Yours Chair Covers. Without you and your plugs. this blog wouldn't exist! Cheers to YOU! (in no particular - and check out their Blog!)

http://www.kevinchin.com/ (read his 10 things about him)


Wedding Coordinators:

Wedding Cakes:


I'm on Facebook :) Add me & let's extend our Social/Professional Networking Resources!

I'm sure I'll blog more! I can't believe it's already March 1, 2009! I may have to date back a few months back so I can talk about my amazing 2o09 start. I'll be back. In the meantime, be good to yourself and be good to others.

Take a day off for "__"day for YOU. My Sundays are usually called "Beverly Day".

peace & love,