Friday, January 2, 2015

New YEAR.. wow! It's been awhile!

I can't believe it's been so long since I last wrote here. WOW! It's crazy how life happens and next thing you know, it's another year. My Gosh, 2014 went by fast, too fast. It really really did. My year ended (and it still lingered on to 2015) with a Fever and a cough.

For some people, they may enjoy being sick at home because they get sick time or they get to sleep in.... I cannot, for the life of me, sleep in, even if I wanted to.

2014 Review and Recap.
Man, it was a hard year for me personally in many ways. I didn't feel as though I was Happy. I didn't feel as though I want to be where I dreamed I would be at my age. 

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